FITR was the 2022 Winner of the Diana Hacker Two-Year College Association Outstanding Programs Award
Category: Reaching Across Borders
The Faculty Initiative on Teaching Reading

“The Kingsborough Community College Faculty Initiative on Teaching Reading has been selected as the exemplary program in the category of Reaching Across Borders. Congratulations to you and your college for the creative response to the challenges of educating two-year college students and for demonstrating professionalism in the commitment to educating diverse student populations. The committee was impressed with the depth and scope of KCC’s FITR program. The level of programming (the advisory board, annual seminar, FIG, symposium, rotating leadership model, etc.) indicates an established and thriving program, and the application overall clearly illustrates how other institutions could replicate this program if interested. The committee felt that the program is a model for innovative collaboration, particularly how the FITR program creates opportunities for faculty across the disciplines to meaningfully engage with reading in their courses and beyond. The committee thanks you for taking the time to submit the application. It was a pleasure to read.”- TYCA Diana Hacker Awards Committee