Resources on reading available through the KCC library
Visit our wonderful librarians at our KBCC library for further reading on reading.
Additional Resources & Articles:
Trela Anderson & Ji Young Kim “Strengthening College Students’ Success Through RAC”
Juanita C, But, Pamela Brown, & David S. Smyth, “Reading Effectively Across Disciplines”
Laura J. Davies, “Getting to the Root of the Problem: Teaching Reading as a Process in the Sciences”
Cynthia Greenleaf, Cindy Litman, & Stacy Marple, “The impact of inquiry-based professional development on teachers’capacity to integrate literacy instruction in secondary subject areas”
Esther Hellmann, Laura Kates, Ronna Levy, Stuart Parker, & Florence Schneider, “Faculty Toolkit for Teaching ALST Performance Indicators: A Strategies Based Approach”
Eds. Alice S. Horning, Debra-Lee Gollnitz. & Cynthia R. Haller. WHat is College Reading?
Nicole Mirra, Jerica Coffey, and Ashley Englander, “Warrior Scholars & Bridge Builders: Civic Dreaming in ELA Classrooms”
Spunki, A Reading Rubric that Engages Students with Course Content
Bronwyn T. Williams, “Literacy Practices and Perceptions of Agency Composing I”
Developmental Reading Handbook, English Dept. Community College of Philadelphia
Faculty Focus, “11 Strategies for Getting Students to Read What’s Assigned”
West Ed, “Never too Late: Boosting Reading Scores in Community College”
WIN Journal Special Issue Reading